Thursday, December 04, 2008

What routines keep you aligned to your values?

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.
Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982)

WOW, this quote has always blown me away. The clarity and the precision of the thought is so in line with so many of my beliefs and experiences with my own journey and those of my clients.

Each day we are given 24 hours to make the most of. We sleep, we eat, we play, we work, we grow, we pray... the list is endless.

We have choices that ultimately affect our happiness, our relationships, and our sense of self. What we accomplish each day is the result of our ability to make the right choices that inspire action, creativity and results. The old adage, "Time is money", so under states the value of routine and planning.

As a business owner the adage helps me see clear as to the physical value of time, it does not however inform the way I feel when I fritter away time and do not bring my ideas and dreams to life. This for me is element of inspiration to drive me to action.

Living to my that fires me up and inspires me to get busy with the calender and do to list. Lately, I have become acutely aware of how routines serve me.

For instance, when I am not routinely spending time with my coach and giving voice to planning and strategizing, I loose momentum and often direction. Similarly when I am not investing in my spiritual path, I become disillusioned and lost. If exercise and eating well are not committed to, sluggish and tired is the result.

Now, think about it...we create these amazing visions, and then struggle to bring them to reality because we as big thinkers and free spirits buck routines because we think they will rob us of freedom or something???

Well I have experienced that it is the total opposite. Routine brings freedom. Routine brings results, Routine brings happiness... woo hooo.

So I have decided that id I want the happiness of living to my values. I surrender to the routines that will help me to achieve them. Planning. Exercise. Meditation. Sleep. Play. Sales know the drill.


What investment of time does your business need to move to the next level?

What routines need to be committed to?



At 4:39 AM , Blogger Angie said...

Yes. Somewhere along the line, I learned that a schedule would rob me of freedom. Maybe it was all those years growing up, that I saw my dad getting up at 5am to go to work. Hmmm...but he did take us on wonderful vacations every year where he seemed to really enjoy his freedom. Ohhhhh.....I get it!


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