Thursday, March 22, 2007

What needs noticing?

What does noticing give you?

When was the last time you noticed what is blooming in your yard?

When was the last time you noticed the beauty of your lover?

When was the last time you noticed the crunch of your salad or the creaminess of the cheese

This morning as I walked with a new business partner, we took time to notice the beauty of where we were walking, we noticed the shape of trees and spoke of how they related to the business we are creating.

We spoke of the stability of an oak tree and it’s majestic stance, while we paused at clover patches looking for a four-leaf bit of luck. As we slowed and allowed ourselves to be in the moment, my friend found not one, but two four leaf clovers. right there waiting to be noticed and claimed.

When we allow ourselves time to slow down and notice, we are given a chance to claim things that are waiting for us. We can claim beauty, joy, a sense of the divine, gratitude balance, and peace, the list goes on and on. It is in the quiet moments, that we allow ourselves the opportunity to absorb what is and appreciate it for what its gifts are.

When can you spend time noticing?

What can you claim for yourself?

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