Monday, September 11, 2006

Are you surviving or thriving?

Each day I wake up and spend time in prayer and meditation. I allow it to set the tone for my day. I allow it to give me the nutrients and the love I need. Often times I am sitting out on my patio watching the sunrise. I can hear the pounding of the ocean and the cars heading off to places unknown. It is a world coming to life after slumber.

This morning in my readings I came across the word flourish. I have been meditating on thrive and was struck by the juxtaposition of the words in my life.

Flourish is to come to life and thrive to to continue to grow and develop. Love it!!

Several months ago I met a new friend down on the beach. A beautiful, wise woman, full of life and serenity. As we shared the basics of our lives, divorce, retirement, careers, kids, I felt so at ease. I was so happy to meet a new friend in my new home. I could see she was a dedicated beach. Her skin, her eyes were full of the sun, the ocean, of love.

As we shared our lives, our friendship began. Several evenings later, as I was telling her about how hard it was for me to recreate my whole life she made a powerful statement that has deeply affected me these past months since she said it. She stated, "I know you have always been this full of life, what I see for you now Florence is that now you get to thrive, instead of just survive."

I share this story with you because I want you to thrive too. Not just survive! I want you to have the hope, the joy, that comes with loving yourself exactly the way you are right now. While allowing yourself to grow and evolve.

Yesterday a friend forwarded me a powerful Rosh Hashanah reflection. It reminded me to remember “we are not here to be good people, we are here to be better people” WOW. Just love the thought. It speaks to me of the ongoing evolution of our lives and the willingness to grow in mind body and spirit.

I ask you, what are you surviving?

What do you need to thrive?


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