Thursday, September 07, 2006

What is tethering you?

Yesterday was a big day for me. I signed the final papers for my divorce. As I reflect on where I want my life to go at this turning point I find myself contemplating the possibilities of my life.

The negative energy of the past is done tethering me. Over the past months while waiting for all of the technicalities to be taken care of, I have felt weighted down. Today I am choosing to move forward with a new sense of freedom. Lightness to my step feels good.

Often times we find ourselves tethered to ideas, people, places that hinder us form moving forward from achieving the things we dream of. Each of us has a choice to loosen and move away from unnecessary ties. Finding the courage can happen one step at a time, one small action at a time. I did not loose 140 pounds overnight, nor did I start a business, or get a divorce overnight. Each big change took many small changes to make happen.

I have found that the gradual steps are easier to maintain. It is the small steps that allow for assuredness of path as well as stability in the doing. Each step I made allowed me to know that I was doing the right thing and following the right path.

What tie needs to be loosed? What step needs to be taken?


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