Thursday, January 08, 2009

Have you seen the vision of your life’s purpose?

Life is a promise; fulfill it.
Mother Theresa

Imagine being in a new town on vacation and leaving from your hotel to go to the grocery store. You’ve got your shopping list in hand and your eco-friendly cloth bags in the trunk. You set out on your mission with goal in mind, and as you drive out of the parking lot, you realize – you have no idea how to get to the store!

Life visioning is like having spiritual GPS. You may have a fuzzy idea of your mission in life… some things you would like to have or to accomplish. But do you know what it looks, smells, and feels like? How much time do you spend allowing yourself to feel what you’re hoping to create? Once you have a clear vision you can set your life on auto-pilot and let the Divinity within you take over from there. The name of the game is trust.

As Mike Dooley put it, “The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams, at once, to any degree that you possibly can.”

Life visioning is going within to find exactly who you were born to be. This is like finding out which store carries the right brand of soymilk before you get in the car to go there. You want to head straight to the source, without having to waste time hopping from destination to destination finding the right fit. You want specifics, and the beauty is that it’s all within you already. (Silk brand is great organic soymilk, by the way)

When it comes to discovering our individual purpose or mission, the most profound and effective way to begin is by consciously catching the Spirit’s vision for our life. But unfortunately, it takes some time and work to open our heart’s eye enough to see.

There are a few different ways of ‘programming our internal GPS’, so to speak. First, we have to come to know ourselves on a profound level. Unless you know who you are from every angle, even the scary or less-than-flattering ones, you won’t know how you and the qualities you posess are vital to your life’s purpose.

A few avenues for self-exploration that I’ve found to be extremely helpful in my own life are: astrology, numerology, fasting, dreamwork, breathwork, yoga, and meditation. (for more information on these topics, check out the links on the right hand side of the page or e-mail me with questions at

When you come to know and love yourself, your calling will make itself known as you take more notice of what that motivates you (past and present), what attracts you, what you resist, and what frustrates you.

The important part is just opening up to it. Being active in a conscious search for purpose signals to your subconscious mind that you’re serious about finding it. No book, guru, or class will tell you what your purpose is (wouldn’t it be nice if things were that easy! Like room service, forget about going out for soymilk.) The answers are within you. All that is required to receive them is to call them forth. Be open to receive. Openness invites the subconscious open up to you. Judging what you receive, or think you receive no matter how little sense it may make to you in your current life and mindset, scares off any insights that may come through. The inner eye is like a muscle, and it takes a lot of exercise to get it to see clearly!

Often, once you open yourself to it, your purpose may become clear through synchronicities. Carl Jung coined the term "synchronicity" to describe events that were more than coincidental and could have significant implications on your life path. Paying attention to synchronicities can be very important to discovering your path. Synchronicities can show up in a fragment of an overheard conversation, a song on the radio, an article in the newspaper, or a sign on the road. A repeated word or phrase could be a key to your path. It may not be the end-goal, but it can be significant step or a turning point on your path, if you stay alert.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you”
Matther 7:7

Usually, we use our eyes to guide us and take us in the direction we want to go. In the same way, Spirit, whatever you conceive of Universal Power to be, has given us "spiritual eyes" to help guide us in the realm of the Spirit. Paul spoke of this....

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”

Ephesians 1:18-19

Visioning enables the "eyes of our hearts" to see clearly in order that we may know the Divine Intelligence's perfect plan for our lives and the "incomparably great power" of God. This was God's intention for us when It created mankind.
As Michael Beckwith put it, "Through Life Visioning, we become the living condition through which divine ideas express themselves. These ideas can be anything from solutions to problems to a new business model to direction in your spiritual development. With Life Visioning, you place yourself in position to "catch and articulate" the eternal broadcast of that which is seeking to manifest through you, for the benefit of all.

Remember, your highest dreams and greatest aspirations are Spirit’s vision for your life. Gos works in, as, and through you to manifest greatness in form. Allowing that to flow does not imply giving anything up. Generally we think of the term surrender as having a negative connotation. But because God lives through you, he wants only the most blissful, peaceful, successful, and healthful experiences possible for human beings.

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)

Don’t think that you have to get “there”, wherever “there” is for you, with what you have now. In terms of money, confidence, talent, connections, whatever. It doesn’t work like that. And thank goodness, because that’s a scary thought. Once you set yourself in motion, the necessary resources - money, confidence, talent, connections, etc. – will be drawn to you! YES, it’s that easy!

Your destiny is divine. Your destination is certain. And your intuitive GPS is accesible. There is nothing in the way of your spiritual success, you precious spark of God’s light!

Anandi D.

“Relax. Contrary to popular belief, figuring out your life’s purpose is easy.
Living it is even easier; you were made for it!
You deserve a clear, precise vision of what you incarnated to do on Earth, and you deserve to start feeling the effects of that confidence immediately.

Let’s program your spiritual GPS and get you on the road to your destiny.”

These websites provide the most accurate and in-depth astrological charts and readings available on the web.



Yoga and breathwork:



For more information and an in-depth process for discovering your purpose, I recommend the audio series, “life visioning” by Rev. Michael Beckwith, available on

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At 3:57 PM , Blogger LeeAnn Kendall, M.A. said...

Hi Florence,

Meeting you at Present Moment today was a synchronicity on the path of my unfolding life purpose and vision. I look forward to "intending" with you. Please let me know where the Intenders will be meeting on the 9th1
p.s. How was the lunch with his sister? Seemed you all were getting on beautifully!


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