Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Knowing when to rest is a skill I now know I the value of. For so many years I ran myself into the ground before I would rest. Actually it was more like collapse. What I now know is that I am so much more affective day to day as I give myself the gift of rest and rejuvenation.

These days the rest time is healing time. When I think of what it takes for the body to heal, I am reminded that rest is a huge part of the healing process, physically. It makes sense that rest would be required for emotional and spiritual healing too. Rest is also part of a good training regime for athletes. As you work to strengthen muscles the rest time is actually the building time for muscles. It is the rest that allows the muscles to heal and build, become stronger.

I like these thoughts as I think of my heart healing. It helps me to know that I am becoming stronger and that the pain will become less and less. Each time I take a rest from the work of healing, I feel good knowing it is all part of the process. It feels good to rest. I know that God does his work in those times too. He is gently healing me in each nap and each day dream. It feels good!

What holds you back from getting the rest you need?


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