Thursday, August 03, 2006

Knowing When to Push

So how do you know when to push yourself, when to give yourself a break?

Where is the line? What are the limits you set? What are the barriers you push?

Physically, mentally, spiritually?

These days I feel like I really need to be conscious of how and when I push myself. I am making so many changes happen in my life, yet I need to be able to say when!!

I often find myself pushing beyond my limits and finding myself, wiped out, on all levels. So many people I speak to are talking about the same thing. Not good! So much of the conversation is about not even enjoying things they usually do, on all levels. Walking through life on autopilot.

Keeping a realistic gauge is critical to my sense of well being and happiness. I know when I have a balance of work; play, rest, and prayer times, life is good. Setting realistic goals and times to achieve them is imperative to me.

It is in the checking in with myself in a routine and conscious way, that I am able to keep it all in alignment and perspective. Setting some time to take a look at, where I have been, where I am and where I want to go, is critical. When I think I can skip it, I often find myself with too much to do and not enough time. I find myself cranky, unmotivated and worse, going in circles.

I clearly benefit from this check in and achieve my goals in a more intentional and joyful way. I get to be at choice, instead of swayed by this crisis or that fire. I get to set my limits and feel satisfied that I am doing the things I want to do. I get to choose when I would like to stretch myself and when I rest.

When can you find some time regular time to take time to reflect and plan?


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