Thursday, December 22, 2005


As I look back at the the past few years, I have made some big moves. I have lost over 140 lbs, I have gone back to school to learn new skills. I have left a job to start a new business. I have deepened my relationship with my God. I have created a a whole new life for myself. As I consider these changes, I am compelled to share my experience and help others see the possibilites of their lives.

When I think about waht could have gone better...well the a bit more work on my book, more work on creating my business case for my business, some relationship issues...more yoga!!

Total bust. hmm...some car accidents, allowing myself to rush and not think...

What do I want to change? Allowing myself to live in the moment. Allowing myself to dream BIG, and to not limit myself to what is possible.

I know that as I create my business, if I am focused on helping others realize what is in their dreams, the trials and tribulations of my life will be worth more.

It is with this intention that I set off into 2006. To create a business focused on helping others to live to their potential and realize their dreams.