Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take Yourself Seriously?

Do you? Really??

For most of my life, I did not either. I spent my life trying to prove myself, trying to get others to love me, trying to prove to myself I was worthy.

I was busy helping others so they would love me, yet I was not able or willing to receive help. When I was able to reach out and receive help my entire world changed. I was able to give selflessly and with love, instead of want.

As I began to take my life seriously, I began to take actions that helped me see, feel experience my worthiness. As I sit writing this, I am taking my life seriously. I am sharing my experiences and opening the door of my failures and successes, so they might inspire others.

Over the past years I have overcome some pretty intense situations. I have been willing to put the work into healing and allow myself to become whole and complete...ya even though some crazy stuff happened to me. I am letting go of the past and allowing myself to be here right here and now.

I am proud of myself for taking myself seriously and doing the work necessary to bring my gifts and skills to full blossom. It is hard work that I gotta tell ya, feels amazingly great. I face my stuff, hang with it to learn and move forward. I try not to allow the hard stuff paralyze me any more like it used to. These days, I am smart enough to reach out to others to help me through those hard spots.

I take my life seriously enough to know, I not not have all the answers nor should I. Oh right, that is why there are all these amazing people in my life...hee hee

We are all blessed with amazing people in our lives. By virtue of being in relationship with these people it is our responsibility to tap into their greatness! When we ask for help we get to make them feel like thay matter. That we respect them and love them, and are willing to be helped by them. WOW! Win! Win! We all get to feel good. Quite the miracle...

So the question is...Are you willing to take your life seriously and ask someone for the help you need??

Maybe it is hard to reach out to someone you know because you think they will judge you, been there. I started by asking professionals and eventually I created the right blend of professionals, friends, family and even strangers that turned into friends...

Your life, your dreams, YOU, ARE worth taking seriously! I know it you know it!!

If ya really ready...contact me...I am patient and a heck of a lot of fun to grow with...


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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

THINK Different! BE Different! ACT Different!

Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

I had an experience recently that ruffled my feathers a bit and then I realized that they were being ruffled because they needed to be.

I was not accepted into a networking group. The feedback they gave me was, "You are too un-traditional." Oh wow, it reminded me of some feedback I had received from someone saying, "You are too enthusiastic."

I remember the few times I interacted in the group feeling uneasy. I experienced a structure that is formulated to create a special result they desire to create, yet not one that I believe builds meaningful relationships.

Now, I have to admit, I was miffed for a moment. I then realized that God was asking me to rejoice in my self and accept my unique approach to life. I am different and I am glad for that...

The different kind of life I have led as an artist, designer, writer and spiritual seeker has made many people uncomfortable. I know that I am here on this earth to affect it. I push. I probe. I seek the truth.

I ask questions that disrupt the current way of thinking. I ask WHY? I ask, Why NOT??

As this world shifts and evolves, we must be willing to THINK Different, BE Different, and ACT Different.

We know that the way things are going right now is not bringing the results we as a world need. We need to be willing to step away from the pack and step into our unique gifts.

A week or so ago a friend forwarded a link to a great little video about being different to me. It is a promo piece for Youngme Moon's Different


Youngme Moon is a professor at the Harvard School of Business. Her book discusses the power of being different and helps us see the idea from a new point of view.

I remembered this link, while I sat thinking about the group who did not want me. I decided that I would bring together people who celebrate being different and know that being different in these times is exactly what needs to happen.

I have set up a lunch time call for us to read spend time discussing the ideas she presents and to discuss how these ideas inspire us to action...

Here the information about the call,

Friday, May 21, 2010
12-1pm - bring your lunch and break bread with people from around the world!

Conference line number
Participant Access Code

and the Link to reserve your spot...


And to purchase the book....