Thursday, March 29, 2007


Who are you missing?

Who do you need to call?

Who needs a letter or card from you?

Who is your heart asking you to reach out to?

Each day passes filled with tasks, errands, and the routine of everyday life. Days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years. Recently a friend shared a regret with me with tears in her eyes. She had been thinking about an old friend for several months. Each day passed and she would say to her, “I’ll call him tomorrow.” Each day passed and she overlooked what her heart was calling her to do. Finally after months of putting off a call, for no other reason than busyness, she picked up the phone. After a brief conversation with the wife of her friend, she learned that he had died several weeks prior.

She sat weeping, vowing she would never ignore the call of her heart again.

Last week, a friend who I had not seen or heard from in over 5 years, sent me an email. He followed the call of his heart. He said he had been searching for me for months. He and I had been overweight together and had always talked about trying to do something about it. Several years ago he had lost a huge amount of weight, almost the exact same amount as I had…in almost the same time frame. He had run the NYC marathon and wanted to share the accomplishment. At some level deep in my heart, I know it was his way of reaching out to inspire me.

He received a bounce back from an old email address of mine, and used several online search services to search me. He came up blank…after several weeks and spending many dollars searching the web for me he came up blank. Still his mind was on me…he ran into a friend who did have my contact info. He jumped onto my website and saw that I too had lost my weight. He saw I was looking for help producing my book and immediately responded with an offer to help!

WOW! The call of his heart produced such an abundance of goodness. We both had a chance to see we had both finally tackled a life struggle, and we were both busy out there helping others overcome it too!

Do not pause! Call or email that person who has been on your mind.

Do not let days turn into years!!

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

What needs noticing?

What does noticing give you?

When was the last time you noticed what is blooming in your yard?

When was the last time you noticed the beauty of your lover?

When was the last time you noticed the crunch of your salad or the creaminess of the cheese

This morning as I walked with a new business partner, we took time to notice the beauty of where we were walking, we noticed the shape of trees and spoke of how they related to the business we are creating.

We spoke of the stability of an oak tree and it’s majestic stance, while we paused at clover patches looking for a four-leaf bit of luck. As we slowed and allowed ourselves to be in the moment, my friend found not one, but two four leaf clovers. right there waiting to be noticed and claimed.

When we allow ourselves time to slow down and notice, we are given a chance to claim things that are waiting for us. We can claim beauty, joy, a sense of the divine, gratitude balance, and peace, the list goes on and on. It is in the quiet moments, that we allow ourselves the opportunity to absorb what is and appreciate it for what its gifts are.

When can you spend time noticing?

What can you claim for yourself?

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Where do you need to be courageous?

Is it in a relationship?

Is it about your job?

Is it starting a new routine?

Is it something you need to leave behind?

Whatever the details, I know you have the courage to do what it takes. I know that within each of is the courage to do what it takes.

Think back to a time when you did something that you never thought you would. The courage that allowed you to do that is there for you right now. It is within you waiting to be tapped into.

Each day we step out into the world, taking for granted the courage that takes. How much easier it would be to just stay in bed.

We face cold dark mornings on the way to work, we face endless meetings and unruly bosses. Each of these things we face are testament to the courage within us. Allowing ourselves the wisdom to know that have the courage it takes to face a new journey is what is called for right now.

We take for granted how much courage we really have within us. Somewhere we came to believe that all this stuff we do is no big deal. Well I am here to tell you it is. Each day we show up and do what is needed, is courageous. We step in front of our fears, our doubts and do what we need to do.

Today courage is speaking to a friend about a tough situation in our lives. Another day courage finds its face in putting your last dollar in the basket at church. While other days it is showing up for a work out when all you want to do is go to bed.

Each of us is faced with looking within us and to find courage. To find courage within ourselves or within the relationship we have with God and others, firstly requires knowing it is there to begin with.

Know you have courage and you will find it. Know that you have used it before and it lies waiting for you. It is waiting to help you move forward, to fly and to soar!

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