Monday, May 22, 2006

What is quiet?

Taking time to be in silence, has given me gifts of many flavors. I have been able to hear differently, see differently, feel differently, and be differently. By allowing myself time in the morning to sit in observation, I have been able to understand nuances, details, and depths, that I had not been able to explore before.

My life has always been full of busyness. I knew how to keep myself moving, seemingly achieving things. In the quiet I have been able to understand what I really want to be busy with. It has helped me to find a place within myself that is driven by my heart, instead of just what petty thing comes in my path.

Quiet has allowed my mind to slow down and hear what is important, really pressing vs trivial nonsense.

What is the quiet saying to you?

What are you creating?

Each day I spend time praying and meditating. These days my mind is focused on creating a new life. One full of peace, creativity, dreams!!

I have stepped away from a marriage, that did not support my dream of building a business dedicated to nurturing others and their dreams.

I am consciously using the words create, form, design in my everyday language. It reminds me that it is a process. That I am responsible for reshaping my life and business goals to be inline with the joy of creation, vs just letting it happen or worse yet, allowing other forces to get off track.

I have decided that part of the life I am creating is about living on a vacation. Being here by the beach, it is easy to remember and to forget. I vowed that I would not allow myself to forget be grateful for this life and that I will not grow complacent to my dream of living by the ocean being fulfilled.

I create day to day, a life that I know God is happy I am enjoying and take pride in.

What do you take pride in?