Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's the next right thing?

What is your head saying?

What is your heart saying?

Is it based on a plan?

Is it based on your gut?

As we move along in our lives, knowing what to do next is often a puzzle. We pause, consider, sometimes moving with confidence, sometimes being moved to paralysis.

Looking at where we put our attention and energy is critical if we are looking to live a life that is intentional and purposeful. Achieving what we want requires we make decisions about how we spend our time and energy.

I have learned that knowing what to do next is fueled by having a vision of what I want to achieve and a plan on how to do it. Pretty simple. When I allow the vision to get out of focus, or the plan to stagnate, I loose momentum, clarity, desire and worst of all faith.

Keeping an eye on the vision and actively planning, keep me moving. I see this to be true with my clients and myself. I continue to play with what is the right amount of planning, what is the right amount of free flow to allow me to play and actually enjoy the moment. For each of it is a different balance to achieve the best results in the most enjoyable way.

Determining what the next right thing is up to you!

What allows you to move with confidence?

How do you know what is the next right thing?

What role does planning play in your life?

What role does spontaneity play?

Wht's next?