Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness. - Chogyam Trungpa

Today is a hard day. Today I feel tender. Full of emotion, fear, anticpation, hope. As the range of emotions shift, I am moved by the fullness of them. I am quieted by the knowledge of them. Being with these emotions brings me gifts beyond reason.

I am aware of the knowledge that I am strong. I have been strengthend by my willingness to be honest with the range of my emotions. I have been rewarded for my willingness with deeper, greater, more scary emotions. What is up with that? All kidding aside. I rest in the knowledge that today I will grow stronger, more fearless, as I look to my emotions with the openess to their gifts.

What are the emotions you are experiencing today. What is the knowledge they hold?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


The connection to faith in God and faith in myself are clearly linked They go hand in hand, linked beyond my comprehension most times. When I am able to step into my faith, it is necessary for me to trust my intuition. When I am able to listen to my intuition, with clarity and faith, all kinds of crazy things happen.

I call a friend who has been on my mind and inevitably they need a loving ear to talk to. When I follow up on a businesss lead, that feels right, they oftentimes want to know more about what I do. These small examples of following my gut, remind me to slow down and listen to myself. When I am running crazy and not feeling very centered, it is almost impossible to have a sense of my intuition. My time to slow down each day, pray, meditate, take a walk, enjoy a quite lunch, each activity allows me to listen to myself in a deep and respectful way. It is in these times of quiet that I am able to hear my wisdom, hear what needs my attention.

So take a breath...what is your gut telling you these days? Pause, will know how to respond!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Choices - Insights

What have you learned about yourself as you look into the choices you have made in your life? How has this shifted your view of your dreams? Your life?


Each time we make a choice, to ensure we follow through, a commitment is necessary.
Without commitment and action, a choice is just a choice.

What action needs to happen? What commitment would you like to make?

Stepping out in Faith

What does this mean to you? What is required for you to do it? What is the process your mind and heart, go throught to allow you to take the risk you have always wanted to take?

For me, stepping out in faith is what my life has been all about, especially the past three years. I have had gastric bypass, and lost 140 pounds, I have left a six-figure job to start a business, and I have ended a marriage that brought no joy to my life. Talk about stepping out in faith, yet at a deep level I know deep down I will be fine. Yes, I am scared stiff. Afraid of loosing everything I have worked so hard for, afraid of being alone, afraid of failure.

I know God has always been there, when I recognized I needed him and especially when I didn't. I have recently found a prayer and meditation practice that serves me well. It allows me to tap into what matters most to me. It gives me insights and serenity that often alludes me on a busy day. I know that without my prayer and meditation, I would not have had the bravery to recreate my life these past years. It is dedicated time with God, that brings strength, courage and conviction to follow your path.

What are you doing today to connect to what God has for you?? What can you do to improve that? What commitment will you make to yourself and your dreams??