Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who needs some love?

Take a moment to reflect...

Love is something we all need. It is the most basic need we all share. It is the essence of our existence.

Who came to mind? Is it another, is it you? Either answer is ok.

What expression of love is needed?

Expressions of love come in many shapes. A smile, a kind word, a simple card, a kiss, be it a real one or Hershey’s.

Was the answer you? What do you need to show you, how much you love you? Take a break? Get busy on a project? Work out? Ask to spend some time with a friend?

Showing love makes us feel good too. It pays back quickly and often sets off a chain reaction of love moving.

Be it an expression of self love or love for another, it is worth the investment! Take the action and feel the love!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Are you crazy enough to change the world?

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs (1955 - )

What needs to change in the world? Your world?

For so many years I dreamed of changing my world. I imagined being able to leap out of bed and love the life that awaited me. When reading about others affecting the world in a positive way, I could hardly imagine doing anything beyond just getting out of bed and dragging myself to the office.

I can finally imagine changing the world beyond my own little sphere, now that I have got that in order. Seeing the correlation between my world being changed and then changing the rest of the world is a big thought for me. Realizing that in order for me to affect others, I must be healthy and happy, Taking care of myself in a way that is balanced and respectful.

Love this notion of being crazy. It is that frame of mind, that I know I create the best and bravest solutions. When I am able to step outside of my notion of convention and rules, I am able to see beyond those constraints. Think out of the Box. How many times have we heard this, but what does it really take for us to do this is my question. Allowing myself to forget what I believe, fear, have experienced and move beyond. Clearly requires a bit of craziness. to forget, ignore, tune out, my sense of history and knowledge??? Ya feels crazy, and yet I know deeply it is what I must do in order to move forward to create anew.

Several moths ago a friend shared a prayer with me. It is called the Set it Aside Prayer. Quite powerful actually. It has helped me to see how much of the past I carry with me and how it

God, help me set aside my beliefs, prejudices, and fears of this person, or situation and help me to experience it differently.

I have to admit, this prayer has helped me see how I hold myself and others bak from creating anew. So many of our fears, are based on history. Being crazy enough to step forward and see things in a new and fresh way, requires us to step in faith. To step with the voice of our intuition speaking louder than our fears.

These days, each time I am feeling crazy, I celebrate, because I know God is asking me to step into the unknown and most often the place of grace.

So I ask you, what is your next crazy step?

What crazy thought do you need to think, so you may take the next crazy action?

Be crazy, live in faith!