Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What do you need to say?

Why does it need to be said?

To who do you need to say it?

Last week I got to meet one of my life heroes, Kevin Carroll. He was the Catalyst at Nike for several years. He recently wrote a book called The Rules of the Red Rubber Ball. A fabulous read!!

Anyway, I mutual friend arranged for us to meet for coffee during a conference we were at. I had a chance to tell him the affect he has had on my life and to share that his work is important to changing the world. I felt like I was in a dream or something. I had wanted to meet him for many years, and sitting there in living color was this wonderfully humble man who just wants to make a difference in the world with his life and actions. I felt the power of God so tangibly!

As I shared my journey and he his, we started talking about coming to the place that you know what your life mission is. We spoke about using the gifts that God gave us and how w were meant to use them to improve the world at large, beyond our own lives.

As we spoke I expressed frustration about getting my book going. I spoke about how I was going in circles and not being able to get it going, not knowing what the focus should be. He simply said," What do you need to say? "

It was that statement that shifted me greatly. For several days I sat and prayed, meditated, wrote and prayed some more. The confusion slowly lifted and I was able to become clear about my voice and the power of the message.

What he told me was that we all have something to say; we all have something that needs to be heard. I know what I need to say, do you?

So I ask you?

What do you need to say?

What needs to be heard?

Go ahead say it!! The world will be a better place because your voice has been heard!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

What are your gifts?

What comes easy to you?

What is supposed to be work, but feels like fun?

Take a moment, savor enjoy these gifts.

Each of us is bless with some talent, some skill, some special gift we have been given. So often we focus on our shortcomings, so often we take thes gifts for granated and never fully realize their potential in our lives or the lives of those around us.

I want us to celebrate what we have been given and step into it fully. Go head show me your gift, tell me of your gift, allow me to feel it and experience all the grandure of it!!

Have fun, play with it, push it, nurture it. Take it to the limit! See how far it can bring you. I know when I am able to do this I am fueld by the awe I feel. I am fueled by the gratitude and the abundance of goodness I feel. I am able to me my best self. I am able to be the woman I know I am.

So who are you?