Thursday, January 19, 2006

Design Saves Lives

I know this sounds sort of over the top, yet I know it to be true. From a well designed heart valve to a clear concise instruction sheet for a fire alarm, to a beautiful greeting card. I know and feel the power of design around me every day.

Being able to emply those same ideas, princiles, disciplines to my own life and to help others is exactly why God created me a designer. These days I am a designer of lives, a colloborator in dreams, a builder of new realities. Life is Good!

Sharing this excitment, clarity of purpose, is why I am compelled to share it. Why as we start journies, we are meant at times to be alone, at times we are meant to be with others. I hope this space is a place that can be come to to seek support, give support for creating your dreams, your new reality.

I look forward to hearing your adventures, successes, and failures. Each has a role, and each will give us continued learning. I am glad you have decided to take the journey, I am honored to be on it with you!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What are you trying to balance these days?

For me, Balance is about the right proportion, at the right time. These days, I am working toward having the right balance of planning and action. I am a big planner. Making sure I am bringing the right amount of action to make those plans come to life is critical. I love to is the fun time for me. Learning to have fun and enjoy the tasks it takes to see something come to life is where I am working.

So it has become about enjoying the process as well as the planning. Enjoying the time on a spreadsheet, means great background music, a clean office, a warm cup of tea. All of these things help me to see the beauty of a spread sheet...never thought I would say that. Enjoying the fact that I can do a calculation in Excel now, woo, woo.

Enjoying these tasks knowing they will help the bigger ideas come to life, has been great. This look at balance has helped me to enjoy more of my day to day life, vs just the fun planning, dreaming time.

So what are you working to balance??

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The year of...

As we begin this new year, I have been thinking for myself, what is the new year really about. When I think of where I have been the past few days in my mind, iit is very much about rebirth. So much is new yet, so much is still shifting. Lots of repurposing old habits that worked well in the pst, and mixing them in with some new habits that I want to see as part of my day to day life.

Having the willingness to look at my life as a rebirth is scary. Was it not good before, well it was, yet when I thnk of where I am now and where I want to go. Things still need shifting.

Working on those shifts consciously is the kicker. What's it take to shift life long habits like impatience, or even harder perfection. Isn't that was being a designer mean, striving for am I going to change how deesign influences my striving for it, or maybe changing how i do it would be a bit more sensible. Ya, I like that...Progress not Perfection...I can live with that.